Saturday, May 1, 2010

Oxford Reference Premium Collection

On Line access to 100 keys Oxford University Press dictionaries an reference works across the full subjet spectrum.
In Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection you will find a wealth of facts, figures, definitions, and translations from 175+ Oxford reference titles, many of which are in-depth, scholarly articles from titles in the acclaimed Oxford Companions series, plus all 20,000 quotations from the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.
The Premium Collection has an 'intelligent search' which will find your search term whether it appears in an entry heading, the full text of the entry, and will even find it if you have misspelled it. The Premium Collection also features improved reordering and refining options for search results to help you focus on the type of entry which best suits your needs.
Search defaults
By default the search engine looks for all of your search terms in entry headings and prioritizes the closest matches to your search term at the top of the search results list. If you have used the Quick search option you can widen your search to full text by clicking on the widen search button in the top right-hand corner of the search results page.

If no results are found in entry headings, our intelligent searching facility moves on to full text to look for your search terms. Finally, if it has not found results in entry headings or full text, it uses a Pattern search to find similarly spelt words, in case you've misspelled your search term.

If, for example, you've misspelled millennium as milenium, the search engine will still find results for you.

Do you want to find an exact phrase?
Perhaps you are looking for references to business ethics and only want entries defining this exact phrase? Just put double quotation marks around your search term.

*English Dictionaries & Reference:
English Dictionaries & Thesauruses
English Language Reference

*Bilingual Dictionaries:
The Oxford Business French Dictionary (English-French)
The Oxford Business French Dictionary (French-English)
The Oxford Business Spanish Dictionary (English-Spanish)
The Oxford Business Spanish Dictionary (Spanish-English)
The Concise Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary (English-French)
The Concise Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary (French-English)
The Concise Oxford German Dictionary (English-German)
The Concise Oxford German Dictionary (German-English)
The Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary (English-Irish)
The Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary (Irish-English)
The Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary (English-Italian)
The Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary (Italian-English)
The Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary (English-Latin)
The Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary (Latin-English)
The Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary (English-Spanish)
The Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary (Spanish-English)
The Pocket Modern Welsh Dictionary (English-Welsh)
The Pocket Modern Welsh Dictionary (Welsh-English)

Oxford Dictionary of American Quotations
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations
The Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations

*Maps & Illustrations:
Visual English Dictionary
World Flags
World Maps

A Guide to Countries of the World
World Encyclopedia

-Subject Reference-
*Art & Architecture
*Biological Sciences
*Earth & Environmental Sciences
*Economics & Business
*Food & Drink
*Military History
*Mythology & Folklore
*Names & Places
*Natural History
*Performing Arts
*Physical Sciences & Mathematics
*Politics & Social Sciences
*Religion & Philosophy

Podcasts for ESL learners

Culips is an Internet based web service that teaches international students English. On their website, they release podcasts that focus not just on grammar, but rather how the language is actually spoken. Also, once a month, Culips organizes an international student party in the Montreal area. All international students are welcome!

For a small monthly membership fee, you’ll get access to the Lipservice written materials that support each and every episode of our podcast.
The Lipservice materials for each episode include:
a transcript of the show detailed explanations for many of the words and phrases used in the episode further information about related topics that were not covered in the show and a quiz to help you test your understanding of the things discussed in the podcast.

Enjoy it!

Friday, April 30, 2010


El pasado 23 de abril se celebró en la Casa de Campo de Madrid la tercera edición del cross del profesor. En esta ocasión, 1500 profesores de centros docentes de enseñanza pública, privada y concertada de los centros de educación infantil, primaria, secundaria, institutos, colegios de educación especial y centros de formación profesional nos calzamos las zapatillas y compartimos una actividad deportiva en un lugar estupendo.

Hay que felicitar a los 14 participantes del IES Barrio de Loranca que participaron en su totalidad en la prueba de 7kms. (si es que estamos hechos de otra pasta),
logrando un meritorio 27º puesto que mejora nuestra anterior participación.

La lista con la clasificación individual y por centros la podéis encontrar en cdp-deporte
aunque los tiempos que ofrece son los netos y no los oficiales, es decir, los reales. Estos los tenéis aquí:

Puesto No. Nombre Cat Cat Neto Oficial Ritmo
034 1207 José Gabriel BARBERO VIRUEGA 19 M3549C 26:35 26:28 3:47
127 1212 Francisco Javier MAJADAS 57 M3549C 30:35 30:40 4:23
250 1463 Ángel MENA ÁLVAREZ 109 M3549C 34:12 34:12 4:54
254 1213 Manuel MUÑOZ ALGABA 111 M3549C 34:15 34:33 4:57
297 1208 Remigio GONZÁLEZ PORTERO 26 M5099C 35:56 36:12 5:11
319 1210 Norberto SANZ ARAGONÉS 112 M0034C 36:27 36:45 5:15
327 925 Cynthia VEGA SOBRINO 18 F0034C 36:47 37:03 5:18
404 924 Rosa María PEÑA HERRERA 51 F3549C 40:29 40:45 5:50
452 1211 Josefa RUBIO BRAVO 65 F3549C 43:54 44:10 6:19
354 1465 Dennis NDEMPAAWAJ KINFAIK 35 M5099C 43:57 44:14 6:20
380 1466 Manuel RODRIGUEZ BLANCO 133 M0034C 48:17 48:35 6:57

Un saludo y... nos vemos en la próxima edición.