Un blog para tod@s aquell@s docentes interesados en el alumnado con dificultades en el aprendizaje del inglés. Un rincón donde compartir recursos y experiencias, donde dedicar un tiempo a los "últimos de la clase" y, ¿por qué no?, desahogarnos un poco...
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Una pequeña aula decorada como la cámara mortuoria de un faraón se convierte en una escape room en la que grupos de 6 alumnos tratan de resolver en 30 minutos los enigmas, misterios, acertijos y códigos necesarios para conseguir la llave que les permita salir y evitar la maldición del faraón Alephnull.
Cuentan con la ayuda de una arqueóloga británica desaparecida en 1972, Katherine Clifton, que les ha dejado un vídeo con su testimonio y varias pistas para poder lograrlo.
¡Rápido! ¡Solo disponen de 30 minutos y la cuenta atrás ha empezado!
Todo es en inglés y pueden recurrir a unos diccionarios si tienen dificultad para entender algún mensaje. Claro que... eso será si los encuentran...
1. Desarrollar la competencia lingüística utilizando estructuras y vocabulario adecuado para interactuar entre el grupo intercambiando ideas.
2. Colaborar en la resolución de problemas.
3. Desarrollar el proceso reflexivo y la toma de decisiones.
4. Motivar al alumnado mediante la gamificación.
Esta actividad está preparada para alumnos desde 1º de la ESO a 2º de Bachillerato. Las pruebas se van complicando a medida que loa alumnos tienen mayor madurez.
Los profesores también pueden llevarla a cabo ya que resulta my interesante interactuar con los compañeros en un ambiente diferente, colaborativo y lúdico.
Podéis ver el vídeo publicado en la Merdiateca de EducaMadrid
escape room,
learning English,
Monday, May 17, 2010

Wikipedia formally began in January 2001, as a project to produce a free content encyclopedia to which anyone can contribute. Nine years later, Wikipedia pages seem to turn up near the top of almost every Google search. Wikipedia has become the first place millions of people go to get a quick fact or to launch extensive research.
I encourage you to use Wikipedia in your course. You may incorporate Wikipedia writing assignments into your classes. You are free to post questions for experienced Wikipedia volunteers at the talk page and share your experiences with them. Many of the projects have resulted in both advancing the student's knowledge and useful content being added to Wikipedia. "An advantage of this over regular homework is that the student is dealing with a real world situation, which is not only more educational but also makes it more interesting ("the world gets to see my work")". Wikipedia will give the students a chance to collaborate on course notes and papers, and their effort might remain online for reference, instead of being discarded and forgotten as is usual with paper coursework, or classroom systems which are routinely reinitialized. You can find some best practices guidelines to support educational and academic projects in this link.
Wikipedia:School and university projects
The guidelines are designed to accommodate editors at every level of experience. If you’re just starting out, that’s fine: The early chapters will make your editing experience more productive as well as enjoyable. Nor do you have to be a computer whiz. The really great editors are good at one or more of several things, including research, editing and writing, organizing, and working with other editors; technical matters are simply one realm of specializing as a Wikipedia editor.
learning English,
Saturday, May 15, 2010
We may use travel guides to encourage our students to answer questions about the United States, UK and another English-speaking countries in a new and exciting way.
In addition, travel guides may teach students about the culture and sites in a city or town they are going to visit. Travel guides also will help our students learn some important vocabulary and phrases that they can need.
For example:
Answering questions
Useful sentences
You may download real travel guides from this link
In addition, travel guides may teach students about the culture and sites in a city or town they are going to visit. Travel guides also will help our students learn some important vocabulary and phrases that they can need.
For example:
Answering questions
Useful sentences
You may download real travel guides from this link
learning English,
Monday, May 10, 2010
What do you do between the time the kids finish all the activities and the time they go home?
The answer is simple: plan plenty of games and extra-activities to keep the kids entertained and delighted. And it’s easy, Internet contains hundreds of exciting things to do during any children’s gathering. The games and activities are appropriate for all ages. They are clear and simple, and the preparation is inexpensive and easy.
Games energize the school day by being both fun and educational. Games painlessly teach your students reading, logic, listening and other skills.
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